Elizabeth Amber-Love DelaneyReading RecommendationsShepherd.com’s Authors Share Their Favorite Books and Why They Loved Them
Reading Recommendations

Shepherd.com’s Authors Share Their Favorite Books and Why They Loved Them

Visit Shepherd.com for Author’s Favorite Books Read in 2023

Technically, we were asked to make our choices from October 2022 – October 2023 in order to get the list curated and posted in time for shopping promotions and gift guides. In the main list you can view all books, but notice that there is a toggle at the top of the list if you want to filter for only books published in 2023.

Each author’s recommendation comes with an explanation about why they loved the books they chose. If you’ve followed my Instagram, maybe you can guess which books and authors I talked about the most.

Visit my personal list of Favorite Books I Read during the time period (Oct-Oct). I’m still reading and I happen to be in the middle of a fantastic thriller. I’ll save that for next year.

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